University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Library
M a k i n g a D i f f e r e n c e

Electronic (Online) Academic Resources
​B. Electronic Academic Resources
Electronic Academic Resources are in three main areas as follows:
i) Books (Virtual Library)
ii) Journals (Online Databases)
iii) Publications
I. Books (Virutual Library)
Electronic books have become the contemporary choice of todays academician in seeking for knowledge. Electronic books have the advantage of being shared by many individuals at a time. The Library has thus invested in what is known as the Virtual Library, a collection of electronic books organized on the Open Source Calibre Book Management sytem. Patrons are able to browse books and other electronci materials as presented by the library on this platform, of which they have an option to download copies of materials they browse. Visit our Virtual Library page to lean more about how you can access electronic books and other electronic materials.
II. Journals (Online Databases)
Like their print counterparts, electronic journals provide access to current information in a vast area of disciplines. An Online Database is a collection of electronic (online) journals grouped into the disciples they represent. As expected, updates on Online Databases are more frequent than their print counterparts. Visit our Online Database pages to learn more about how you access electronic journals for your research.
Academic Publications (University Repository)
The university repository is a collection of academic publications by Faculty and Staff. Students' senior projects are also kept in the repository.
The Repository came into existence after a collaboration with