University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Library
M a k i n g a D i f f e r e n c e

About UEAB Virtual Libraries
The UEAB Virtual Library is a project that was started in 2016, to replicate the entire library collection online. The Virtual Library gives access to some electronic collections of books, being core text and supplementary readings.
it is subdivided into three main sections: Virtual Library 1 (General Electronic Books) / Virtual Library 2 (Literature Search Assistance) and Virtual Library 3 (Juvenile Library).
Virtual Library 1 (VL1) houses a general collection of electronic books and other materials (magazines and encyclopedias). This section of the Virtual Library will eventually stock all copies of our print library section (a project targeted to be completed by the end of 2018). Currently, the VL1 gives access to some five thousand books in the area of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Hematology, The VL1 also gives access some five hundred (500) news sources, updated daily. These include 3DNews: Daily Digital Digest, ABC News, Ads of the World, Al Jazeera in English, BBC News and Sports, Big Hollywood, Business World Magazine, Catholic News Agency, CBN News, CNN, Daily Express, Data News, Democracy Journal, Eclipse Online, Economic and Political Weekly, Financial Sense, Forbs, FOX News, General Knowledge Today, Global Times, Google Mobile Blog, Hamilton Spectator, Harper's Magazine, Huffington Post UK, IEE Spectrum online, India Today,, Jerusalem Post, Journal of Accountancy and New York Times (but to mention a very few).
Virtual Library 2 (VL2) is a platform where literature request's resources are deposited and title of research used to designate the section of the that library. This is to help not only research find what they need for their research, but others who may be researching in the same area. Information given here are in various formats and are meant for reference or the patron or researcher who may have requested for it.
Virtual Library 3 (VL3) is a designation of the virtual library for juveniles. Materials here are meant for your patrons from under nineteen (19) years and below, who may not be in enrolled into university studies. Individuals here will find materials for classic reading and textbooks for various subject areas of interest to them.

To Log on to our Virtual Library, use credentials as follows:
UEAB Faculty/Staff - Employee ID Number
Students - Student ID Number
Alumni - Phone Number
Friends of the Library - Register with Library for Credentials
​ Password is 1111 for all accounts
Kindly contact he Library if you have challenges with your credentials