University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Library
M a k i n g a D i f f e r e n c e

About UEAB Library
Library Vision
The vision of UEAB library is to be a leading Center of excellent quality higher education and research services.
Library Mission
The mission of UEAB library is to promote and advance quality integrated, innovative and user-friendly library service to enhance teaching, learning and research activities by providing an environment that blends academic, spiritual and social spaces.
Library Objectives
To identify and procure facilities, print and electronic resources for easy accessibility to library users.
To improve interlibrary loan procedures for borrowing resources from other libraries.
To organise, display, and facilitate access to library resources.
To acquire core, referenceand rare collections of academic resources.
To provide continuous training in information literacy and library instruction.
To establish library ICT infrastructure and policy that integrate with the university wide ICT environment.

Library Services
About UEAB Library
The UEAB Library is the hub of academic resources of the university. It is maintained primarily for use by students, faculty and staff of the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton. Members of the community may also use the Library.
The Library has in-house access to approximately seventy-five thousand (75,000) volumes of books, in various disciplines; about a percent of this is cataloged in its Virtual Library, a growing complement of electronic books targeted to reach ten thousand (10,000) by the end of 2017.
The library subscribes to thirty-five (35) electronic databases and has twenty (20) print journals.
It provides access to other online libraries (such a the Diak University in Finland), with collections meant to complement our stock for students in specific disciplines. This is a collaboration agenda of the library in availing resources for these exchange program students.
The Library also serves as a depository of all Seventh-day Adventists publications, together with the World Bank and Habitat. It also collects publications from international organizations.
The library also maintains the University’s repository, where academic outputs of both student and faculty groups can be accessed online.
All resources are access via the Library's website.