University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Library
M a k i n g a D i f f e r e n c e

Print Academic Resources
​A. Print Academic Resources
Print Resources are in two main areas:
i) Books
ii) Periodicals
I. Books
Book at UEAB Library are organized using the Library of Congress Classification Schedule, a classification scheme that organizes all knowledge into alphabetical bales from A to Z. A summary of the Library of Congress Schedule is presented below:
Books remain the primary and a very important source of knowledge and at UEAB, we strive to bring you the very best of books. Please make a book request using our Book Request Form that you can download here. Book requests can also be made directly to the library via phone, WhatsApp or email.
So far, the library has a total collection of some seventy thousand (70,000) books distributed as follows:
Browse through out collections with our Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC).
II. Periodicals
Periodicals provide a means of accessing current information in diverse disciplines, whose information are updated periodically (from daily to once a year on the average). Newspapers are in the category of periodicals that are updated daily. Journals are usually updated quarterly, bi-annually or annually.
Some subscription to print journals have stopped due to the fact that they are now being produced online.