University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Library
M a k i n g a D i f f e r e n c e

Library Orientation - Section 3: Library Resources
3. Library Resources - Systems and Electronic Resources Librarian
There are three main categories of resources at the Library. These are Academic Resources, ICT Resources and Building Infrastructure Resources.
Academic Resources are library materials meat for research and other academic requirements. ICT Resources include computers, network other electronic devices used in the library. ICT resources are generally termed Audio-Visual resources. Building Infrastructure resources is concerned with all the facilities that ensures we have a comfortable seating space at the library for studies.
The library academic resources, like most other information centers today, are in to two main categories. These are Print (Physical) resources and Electronic (Virtual) resources. Primarily, resources are made up of Books and Periodicals. Whereas books are good for studies and some about of research, periodicals are more preferred as they are updated periodically (hence the generic name given to such a collection as periodicals). General Text Books, Encyclopedias and References such as dictionaries and bibles, make up library books. Periodicals include Newspapers, Journals, Magazines, Handbooks, Brochures and Flyers among others.
3.1. Print Academic Resources
Print academic resources are books and periodicals that that you could pick up physically from the Library. Currently, print resources make up about seventy percent (70%) of library academic resources. To browse through our Print Collections you may use any of our two Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) for book. For periodicals, you could download our current list.
3.2 Electronic Academic Resources
Electronic academic resources are virtual materials resources accessed usually through the use of credentials as a member of the UEAB academic community. Some of the resources are IP authenticated, meaning they are made available to patrons once they are used via any of the university's networks. To use resources that are IP authenticated outside the university networks, a patrons will have to access the remote system (technically known as the E-Z Proxy system). This system authenticates a patron's device to browse through the IP authenticated resources.
To browse through our electronic books, use the Virtual Library System and for browsing through our electronic databases of journals, choose the database from the list of electronic databases available.