University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Library
M a k i n g a D i f f e r e n c e

Library Orientation - Section 1: Welcome and Introduction
1. Welcome to UEAB Library - Technical Services Assistant
We are glad you chose to be here at UEAB in persist of your academic aspiration. Here at UEAB, only the best is strive for, to prepare you ready for today's competitive job market.
We have a crop of astute Faculty and Staff to aid you in your academic quest, to make sure your come out an excellent tool needed to shape our world to day.
The Library houses one of the best collection of print and electronic materials as well as give cutting edge quality services to meet your goal. The following write up will give you an overview of what you will need to make your use of the university library a fruitful one.
Have a wonderful time at UEAB and in the Library, feeling always as home as we pride in serving you aright. Stay Blessed.