University of Eastern Africa, Baraton Library
M a k i n g a D i f f e r e n c e

Use of Phones in the Library
The Library is a no noise zone and as such making and receiving of phone calls are prohibited (eve in the discussion room). Patrons are advised to send text messeages to those they need to while in the library or can go outside the libary to make their calls. Phones of offenders would be confisticaed for a period, determined by the Library. For your own sake and to avoid any disciplary actions, do not use phones in the library to make or receive calls.
Use of Phones in the Library
The Library is a no noise zone and as such making and receiving of phone calls are prohibited (eve in the discussion room). Patrons are advised to send text messeages to those they need to while in the library or can go outside the libary to make their calls.
Disciplinary Action
Phones of offenders would be confisticaed for a period, determined by the Library. For your own sake and to avoid any disciplary actions, do not use phones in the library to make or receive calls.

Food and Drinks
Due to the nature of Library materials, food and drinks are not allowed in to the Library. Those who have to carry water for drining must ensure they drink their water at the lobby (at the information desk area) where the library provides drinking water. Taking food and drink in the libray will attract an immdieate suspension from the library, the priod of which will be determined by the library disciplinary committee, depending on the nature of the offense.
Food and Drinks
Due to the nature of Library materials, food and drinks are not allowed in to the Library. Those who have to carry water for drining must ensure they drink their water at the lobby (at the information desk area) where the Library provides drinking water.
Disciplinary Action
Taking food and drink in the Libray will attract an immdieate suspension from the library, the priod of which will be determined by the library disciplinary committee, depending on the nature of the offense.
Silence in the Library
The Library is a no noise zone and patrons are expected to keep the silence when using the library.
Disciplinary Action
Noise making in teh Library will attract a walk-out directive. Consecutive offenders will be suspended from the Library.